Busselton Brass: The Musical Heart of our Community since 1871


Jen Burnett – 18-Dec-2023

Christmas Concert @ Esplanade Hotel

“Your Busso Brass Christmas Wind-Up concert today, with No strings Attached as your supporting community group between sets, was absolutely fantastic!

It is so great to get some across-the-groups music happening at major concerts. Thanks for your community spirit in this direction.

I was particularly blown away by your performance of Walking in the Air…it sounded so interesting and I could tell from the rhythms and timing that this piece required lots of focus and concentration. It was totally great! (This was a particular stand-out song for me! – although the whole Concert was definitely awesome!)

What an amazingly wonderful contribution you have all made to the community this year, through your many scheduled public performances in Busselton and surrounds!! Thank you.”

Kind regards

Jen Burnett

Community Music Advocate